Isaak Brodsky Memorial Apartment-Museum

Isaak Brodsky Memorial Apartment-Museum is located in the heart of St Petersburg, on the Ploshchad Iskusstv (Art Square), in a house designed by Carlo Rossi.
Isaac Israelovich Brodsky — the famous painter, and favorite student of Ilya Repin, — lived in the apartment for the last 15 years of his life from 1924 to 1939. In 1949, a museum was opened here, which at present displays a unique collection of works by Russian artists, collected by Brodsky, as well as his own works. Some memorial items were also left intact: furniture, books, and photographs with the autographs of many famous people. All the artefacts create a unique aura of the artist’s house and the atmosphere of the 1920s and 1930s.
Temporary exhibitions are held in the museum’s exhibition hall. Vocal and instrumental chamber concerts of classical music are held in a hall with excellent acoustics on the second floor — in the workshop, where in the 19th century musical and literary salon of Counts Vielgorskys meetings took place